Upcoming changes for savers.
December 16, 2022

Regular Monthly Saver:
following recent feedback from our customers, the Society will with immediate effect allow customers to pay in cash or cheques to their Regular Monthly Saver account as long as there is an electronic payment set up for a minimum deposit of £25 per month. Please note that the maximum amount that can be deposited per calendar month in total is £500 which includes the amount made by electronic payment. We hope you are pleased with the changes being made.
Young Saver:
We recently had a few internal updates on our systems, one of the updates was to convert all our male young savers from ‘Master’ to ‘Mr’. Following this all documentation sent to the saver will feature the updated title.
If you wish to discuss this or any other matter further, please contact your local branch office where one of our friendly experienced staff will be able to assist. Contact details of our branch offices can be found at: https://swansea-bs.co.uk/swansea-building-society-contact-and-directions-branches
Thank you for your continued support of the Society.