How to close an account

Thinking of Closing your account?

We’d be really sorry to see you go, but if you do wish to close your account please follow the steps below:


To close an account with the Society, please refer to the instructions below:

1.    At Branch: Please call in with your identification and the account number you wish to close. 

2.    By email: Please ensure your request is forwarded from your email address that is currently held on your customer file (as provided) and includes a signed letter of authorisation.

3.    Online / Telephone: We do not accept account closure requests via our online service or by telephone. Please refer to options 1 & 2 above.

When we close your account, please ensure that your request clearly specifies how you wish to receive the account proceeds:

1.    Transfer to your nominated bank account.
(If you do not have a nominated bank account set up, please provide evidence of your bank account via a bank statement and we can arrange for your closing balance to be sent direct to your bank).

2.    By cheque

3.    By cash (where the closing balance is less than £1000)